I'm up pretty early on this day that I have no school... (It was 9:33am my time when I wrote this). It is with deep regret that I inform you of yesterday's happenings... Just as I had expected, I stayed around and bummed it out all day... My bed is gonna get sick and tired of my butt just sitting there and doing nothing all day! Great news though ☺ I'm taking a little road trip this weekend! In two days to be exact. What this means is I will not have any updates until about Monday or Saturday (I may make this a once a week deal). I know it's early in this new relationship with my blog for me to just out and leave for a vacation but it is necessary for my sanity and the Dora the Explorer who lives inside me is dying for the latest adventure - unfortunately, my boots aren't a monkey but instead a knee-high, black number that will come in pretty handy! Why? I'm heading to the snowy city of Ifrane, Morocco. I'm excited because I love to see new parts of this beautiful country, plus I've been cooped up in my room for a while now... and I've never seen snow in my entire life (tv doesn't count) so you should be able to get the image of me freaking out with excitement by now. My friends know what I'm talking about :D. Anyway enough about the trip, you will get the details in depth after I get back.
So what's on my agenda for today? I'm heading to Agdal and Centre Ville (towns in Rabat, where I live) to do a bit of shopping before the trip. I wish I was gonna be buying more than gloves and headphones but due to my empty students' purse, I will do what is right and not forfeit my food money for weeks to come in the name of clothes and shoes... or shall I?? Lucky thing my mum's not reading this (miss you mom ♥).
You know, the reason for my getting up this morning and the reason behind the title of this post (because clearly, Morocco nor snow have anything to do with my past) is I was bombarded with thoughts of home sweet home. Ever since I got here in October, one song keeps playing in my head (this one). It makes me feel so good inside when I hear the first few notes of this song. This may be because of the fact that ALL Antiguans and Barbudans world wide know that this band is the best at getting our island hearts pumping, feet jumping and hips swaying... it could also be because I had the most amazing summer last year jamming to their sounds or because I'm the sweet little island girl that he's talking about :D (I'm not, but let's pretend for a minute). The real reason is this; it makes me feel so connected to home!
I've always been proud of my little island love and I've missed it from the moment I hopped on that first Liat to Guadeloupe. This song, believe it or not, makes me really reflect on the sweet little island girl that I truly am. The nostalgia seriously kicks in when I start to think about my friends and family - that's a given- all the sweet little island girls, boys, men, women and doggies ♥- that I left behind.
I miss beating the laziness that dwells within (Lord knows it dwells) and getting up at 4 am or so about to jog to Long Bay.. or trek the hill to Devil's Bridge because they were just a stone's throw from my house (half hour walk but you get the idea). I miss having the choice to do it twice or just in the afternoon and sometimes, going by bicycle. It always helped to clear the mind and keep me fit ;) This often involved waking up my loving little sister Zoie, who on most days wanted to stifle me for breaking her slumber or interrupting her afternoon flow of doing nothing. If she didn't want to, to appease my mom, I'd go with my crazy cousin Amelia or my neighbour Leslie... I think deep down, they hated me for this... thehehehehe.
Zayne and Shearad, two of the best guy friends a girl could ask for. They used to love to hate me being around. Either bugging them to do some random thing that ran in my mind (like buying a couple of Fadi's pizzas and head down to some beach at some God-awful-hour because I was bored) or driving somewhere just because... but they always did even though they made me know how much they didn't want to do it sometimes ♥. It was always a good opportunity for them to rag on me for not having a boyfriend and "according to them" not being able to get one... Lord know's that's not true... (ahem).
I crack up/smile widely when I see my pix with Meli and Tee and Renee on Facebook. I love you guys! They are so hilarious it's a crime. Do you know that one friend we all have who is often spewing some nonsense from their lips that you try to understand but no matter how much you try you can't. That's a description of most of my friends. Thank Heavens I'm sane! - some may beg to differ lol. Can't wait for the next summer when we can all hang out again girlies ♥. They're the best, the best I tell you!!!!
I can't forget to mention the little rug rat that is my nephew Édonté. Boy is he a trip! I see him now with his little tricycle (it's missing the seat because my dog Chocolate, who refuses to let anyone but my nephew get close to it, decided to one day tear the seat off and spread it all around my yard) around the yard. Do note that the only time he would actually ride the thing was if he was being pushed, otherwise, he'd just be pushing it around. Come rain our shine, if he couldn't be found, we knew where to look! I love him so much.
Mum and dad... oh mum and dad. I don't miss you guys arguing about everything but what I do miss is you guys arguing about everything and then chill together in the living room talking about the things - and people- who push your buttons the wrong way... then start to argue about the remote... A lot of people don't get my family, but I do, and I love 'em to the death ☺
This post is getting kinda long -if you weren't mentioned, don't be mad, there are others to come. So I'll just end by saying this: Chocolate, Max and Nullah, I think about you guys all the time. I know your little dog ears can hear me all the way in Africa, so you know I love you guys and talk about you all the time - if it wasn't for Chocolate, people would think you were actual human beings lolz. Anyway, can't wait to hit the grass with you guys again ♥ Soon I hope
Off I go! Thanks for reading and Have a great day/I hope you had a great day ☺
The Madness that is Me☺

- Den Whyte
- Hello World! I am Den Whyte and I welcome you to my blog, twoleftsthenaright. I am a 20 year old student studying abroad. Now when I say abroad, I mean way abroad. But for you to really understand, let's start from the very beginning. I am the 5th of 6 children (but most people think I'm actually number 6). I have great dreams of seeing the world and becoming a world-renowned journalist/writer. I was born in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Antigua and Barbuda. In October of the year 2010, I packed all my belongings and hopped on a plane, flying across to the other side of the globe - leaving family, friends, doggies and 365 breathtaking beaches behind. How far across the world?? Morocco, Africa- that's how far! So for the next few years, as I yearn for the warmth of my family and native land, I will be sharing my thoughts and ideas with you my new friends via twoleftsthenaright. The name of this blog was taken from the direction to my home from the main road. Until I'm taking those two lefts then a right again, I will be dreaming/thinking out loud right here. Happy Reading!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Second Post... Yeah!!!!
I know, I know, I'm a dork but hey! What can I say?
So I've just begun my least I hope so. I'm currently still in bed and just may stay here all day -taking breaks for food and going to the bathroom. I hope I don't. I also hope the sun will come out today so I can take in some good old fashioned Vitamin D or which ever it is that we get from le soleil (French).
On the topic of French. There are a few French words scattered here and there on my blog. I've been trying so hard to figure out how to change them to English but I've been failing concurrently thus far. Never fear... Lady Persistence will find a way to conquer that pesky demon for my readers' sakes. I on the other hand, need to start getting my French juices mixed and my tongue ah-rolling. I've got an exam next Wednesday. I'm currently on holiday from school and upon return, I have been told to expect to be greeted by an exam. But never fear!!!!! Lady I Love French will prevail!!!
I may have forgotten to mention that I've studied the subject since my first day in high school some (insert amount) of years ago - I do not wish to speak about my age any further. I've got a bit of a heads up...
My French class is amazingly annoying... not because I think I know more than anyone else but the overzealous kids who sit in the front and play kiss-ass to the teacher just gets to me! Plus while they're showing off and what not, the ones in the class who truly don't get it are left feeling dumber than dumb and teachers tend to go along with the 'overzealous students' '... sad isn't it?
I'm running out of things to say here... Nothing exciting happened yesterday other than the fact that I started this pretty awesome blog called twoleftsthenaright... I think today will be spent perfecting this new project of mine... and maybe add some pics... I love pics☺ Until tomorrow...
Au revoir
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
First Post... Yeah!!!!!!
Forgive me for sounding a little juvenile but THIS IS SOOOO COOLLLL!!!!!!! (Ahem)
Now that I've regained my composure.
I'm so excited about twoleftsthenaright. As a budding journalist, I love to talk/write just as much as I love to learn and for some reason, I never thought of blogging until now... I am new to this whole blogging nation but I know I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. The whole objective of twoleftsthenaright is to provide a way for me to practice my writing with the whole world reading it as well as to allow myself to talk to those willing and eager to listen to what I have to say (input is always welcomed as well). I will also be telling you bits about myself and the beautiful dot on the globe whence I came HOME...
I have noting further to say until later. But Welcome Welcome Welcome on this journey and ttyl!!
Now that I've regained my composure.
I'm so excited about twoleftsthenaright. As a budding journalist, I love to talk/write just as much as I love to learn and for some reason, I never thought of blogging until now... I am new to this whole blogging nation but I know I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. The whole objective of twoleftsthenaright is to provide a way for me to practice my writing with the whole world reading it as well as to allow myself to talk to those willing and eager to listen to what I have to say (input is always welcomed as well). I will also be telling you bits about myself and the beautiful dot on the globe whence I came HOME...
I have noting further to say until later. But Welcome Welcome Welcome on this journey and ttyl!!
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