Forgive me for sounding a little juvenile but THIS IS SOOOO COOLLLL!!!!!!! (Ahem)
Now that I've regained my composure.
I'm so excited about twoleftsthenaright. As a budding journalist, I love to talk/write just as much as I love to learn and for some reason, I never thought of blogging until now... I am new to this whole blogging nation but I know I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. The whole objective of twoleftsthenaright is to provide a way for me to practice my writing with the whole world reading it as well as to allow myself to talk to those willing and eager to listen to what I have to say (input is always welcomed as well). I will also be telling you bits about myself and the beautiful dot on the globe whence I came HOME...
I have noting further to say until later. But Welcome Welcome Welcome on this journey and ttyl!!
The Madness that is Me☺

- Den Whyte
- Hello World! I am Den Whyte and I welcome you to my blog, twoleftsthenaright. I am a 20 year old student studying abroad. Now when I say abroad, I mean way abroad. But for you to really understand, let's start from the very beginning. I am the 5th of 6 children (but most people think I'm actually number 6). I have great dreams of seeing the world and becoming a world-renowned journalist/writer. I was born in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Antigua and Barbuda. In October of the year 2010, I packed all my belongings and hopped on a plane, flying across to the other side of the globe - leaving family, friends, doggies and 365 breathtaking beaches behind. How far across the world?? Morocco, Africa- that's how far! So for the next few years, as I yearn for the warmth of my family and native land, I will be sharing my thoughts and ideas with you my new friends via twoleftsthenaright. The name of this blog was taken from the direction to my home from the main road. Until I'm taking those two lefts then a right again, I will be dreaming/thinking out loud right here. Happy Reading!
lol whoo hoo i love this ! I can finally comment. I cant wait to see wat else u put on this blog cuz morocco is an adventure lol and u crack me up everyday so lets see wat comes on this blogvil
thanks sweetie!!!!!
thanks u got tht "sweet little island girl" tune stuck in my head....hehehe...THANKS GIRLIIE!! hope ur ready for the consequences wen u hear me hummin it everytime i see u :P
well......i absolutely love this blog its like if u took the words out of my mouth.....n to say i was having a rotten day u made me smile!!! cant wait for ur next post
Nice going! Hope you will be keeping all of your entries it has the makings of a good read in the form of a book when you graduate.
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